ChatGPT: Friend or Foe?
Facilitated by Amy Marshall
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 From 7 pm to 8 pm via Zoom
You have heard all about ChatGPT.
You worry about your students using it, but have you thought about how you might use it as a tool for creating materials that could save you precious time?
Come and explore all that you can accomplish and materials that you can create with ChatGPT. You will walk away with ideas about what you could create; scripting ideas for how to formulate requests to ChatGPT and resources for different AI tools that are available for free use.
Amy Marshall is a dynamic and energetic Spanish teacher who teaches with a variety of techniques that fall under the umbrella of comprehensible input and TPRS. Building community and relationships with her students is one of the greatest focuses of any classroom that she teaches in.
To connect and to truly care, building real relationships and community among the students and herself in her classroom is a huge contributing factor in guaranteeing a sense of belonging and as such a successful experience in learning language.
Amy has her undergraduate degree in Spanish and education from Rutgers University and her Masters Degree from Middlebury College in Spanish Language and Literature.